I accepted the fact that I might never be enough for someone, but that doesn't mean I deserve nothing. Not everyone will come to appreciate me, but I recognize my own worth. I refuse to be treated poorly, and I believe no one deserves that.
Even though I might never be enough in some eyes, no matter how hard I try, it doesn’t diminish who I am. I am still worthy, despite not being enough for everyone. There will always be someone better than me, but that doesn't mean I am lacking; it simply means I am not for those who cannot see my value.
For those who have genuinely loved and accepted me, both as I am now and as I was before, I am enough. Nothing can ever change that.
Today, I asked my body what she needed, which is a significant step given my journey of rarely asking that question. I thought she might need more water, protein, greens, yoga, supplements, or movement.
As I stood in the shower, reflecting on her stretch marks, her curves where I might wish for flatness, her softness where I might desire firmness, I recognized the conditioned wishes and the bundle of "never quite right" thoughts.
Yet, despite these imperfections and internal struggles, I am enough.
She whispered very gently: Could you just love me like this?'
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