There was an umbrella that became very proud because it was good-looking, popular, strong, and admired by others, and a lot of people wanted it. The rich and influential people adored it and begged to use it. Workers, market men and women, passersby, and students all could do almost anything to get it. Even little children wanted very much to play with it in the rain.

All of this made the umbrella egoistical and think too highly of itself. It would often boast and brag about how famous and important it was. The umbrella grew so proud that one day, it said to itself, "Of all my friends; the broom, the freezer, the fan, the bucket, the torch, and the bag, I am the most important. They don't meet my standards, so I'd better push them away! I am a celebrity, I should live like a celebrity!"

That same day, it left its friends and neighbors and went to live in another country, far away from there. The umbrella continued to be highly respected and admired by everyone, and it thought it would always be that way until everything suddenly changed. Out of the blue, its life changed completely. The umbrella found itself in a state of total neglect and nobody cared about it anymore. Everyone who had ever loved it, abruptly abandoned it. Nobody was at all interested in it, even the little children no longer wanted to play with it. As a result, it felt worthless, lonely, and sad. The umbrella was surprised and confused and wondered why it was suddenly rejected by everyone. It went to an old man and asked bitterly, "I'm still good-looking and strong. Why don't people want me anymore?"

The old man shrugged and said, "The rainy season has passed, the downpour is over, so people no longer value the umbrella. You're now a burden to everyone!" Filled with regret and despair, the umbrella asked, "I abandoned my friends and neighbors to live a glorious life. Can I go back to them now?"

The old man shook his head and murmured, "No, you can't. You've already pushed them away, so they probably won't accept you back! I'm sorry, but you'll have to live on the streets for a very long time."


Nothing in life is permanent. Even our sun has a time limit and will eventually supernova. What you think is the biggest and most precious thing in life is not going to be the same after a while. Never think too highly of yourself, you can lose everything in the next moment. Put your ego aside and stay humble. When you're doing better than family and friends, never push them away, because you might need them one day.

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