Some Amazing Life Lessons

7 LESSONS for "Collaborating with the enemy"

 How to work with people you don't agree with or like or trust by Adam Kahane:

1. The Psychology of "Enemyfying": Kahane gives us the cognitive processes that lead to the perception of others as enemies. Understanding these mechanisms is crucial for overcoming entrenched divisions.

2. Despite our differences, we all share common human experiences. Recognizing this shared humanity can be a powerful tool for building bridges and fostering empathy.

3. Emotions play a significant role in conflict. Kahane emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and managing emotions to create a productive collaborative environment.

4. Power imbalances can be a major obstacle to collaboration. Understanding how power operates within a group is essential for effective negotiation and conflict resolution.

5. To truly understand another person's viewpoint, we must be able to see the world through their eyes. Perspective-taking is a fundamental skill for effective collaboration.

6. Kahane offers a hopeful perspective on human nature, demonstrating that even in the most challenging situations, people have the capacity for growth and change.

7. By working together across differences, we can create positive change and build a more just and equitable world.


You're holding a cup of coffee and someone accidentally bumps into you, causing it to spill everywhere.

 "Why did you spill the coffee?"

"Because someone bumped into me."

Wrong answer. You spilled the coffee because there was coffee in your cup. If there had been tea in the cup, you would have spilled tea. Whatever is inside the cup is what will spill out. So, when life shakes you up, whatever is inside you will come out. It's easy to pretend everything's fine until you're shaken.

So, we have to ask ourselves, "What's in my cup?"

When life gets tough, what spills over? Joy? Gratitude? Peace? Humility? Anger? Bitterness? 

A victim mentality? A tendency to quit?

Remember LIFE gives you the cup; YOU choose what to fill it with!

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